Set of satirical, political-themed playing cards with exaggerated illustrations and captions.

The Game 

Illustration of a person wearing a Native American headdress in front of a stylized US flag background.
Illustration of a person standing among a large crowd; person wearing a pointed hat being pointed at by angry individuals in a formal, grand hall with banners.


On your turn:

-Draw from the draw pile

-Play either to the space in front of you or into the shared space.

-Next player’s turn begins. (Clockwise order)

-Follow the rules as they weave and change.

-What was acceptable one turn becomes wrongthink the next..


Unlike most games, winning conditions are not known at the start. BUT, just like real life, the goals of the group change constantly, without warning, and usually only benefit the few.

When the Aims of the Collective match the Resources in the Comrade’s Safe Space

THEY (singular) WIN

Illustrated propaganda-style cards depicting pandemic themes, including a person in a mask and a man with a rainbow striking his head, titled "Rainbow Virus Download in Progress."

Resource Cards

Resource cards are played in the safe space. They (plural) are need these to win the game.

Aim Cards

Aims are played in the Collective and determine the win conditions. Only one aim allowed in the collective at a time, unless you play the card that allows for two. Standards are only fun when they can be doubled.

Three satirical playing cards with political themes. The first card shows a muscular figure with a crown, labeled 'WEAKER THAN STALIN'. The second card depicts masked protesters with fire in the background, labeled 'MOSTLY PEACEFUL PROTEST'. The third card features people with cats, labeled 'ANIMALISM'. Each card has text describing actions and outcomes.

Trigger Cards.

These resources cannot remain in your hand, they are too offensive, and must be played immediately when drawn. You cannot win while triggered, unless the current Aim requires it.

Three fictional game cards with satirical illustrations. The central card features a woman labeled 'KAREN,' shouting against an American flag background. The other cards show police officers in riot gear and a stern man in a suit, both also against U.S. flag backgrounds. Cards include humorous, politically-themed text.

Dictate Cards

Dictates are played in the Collective and apply to everyone equally.

Some more equally than others.

Illustrated card game images with retro, propaganda-style art. The central card features universal basic income theme with masked figures reaching out, flanked by equality and workshop cards displaying vivid scenes of poppies and an explosion.

Order Cards

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

Set of three playing cards with prominent eyes illustration and bold text. Center card reads 'CALL POLICE, COMRADE! CALL THE POLICE! PLACE IN FRONT OF ANYONE (including self).' Other cards show text like 'DISCOVER TRAITOR' and 'THE LAW.'